

THE FUNNY FARMER: An astonishingly boring, painful, humorous and occasionally insightful approach to gardening and life as amom, a former psychotherapist, and apparently a life-long patient.


My name is Cherie and I live in Southern Maine with my husband and two young children. I have a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology and still have about 10k in remaining student loans to prove it. I left the field of practice three years ago, so this is not the place to be posting any suicide notes, okay? But if you want to hear about my garden and my gremlins, my pests and my problems, well then you just sit right down and read on!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I have no patience for narrtive right now, so I'll just lay it all out:

*  Overwhelmed by seedlings overtaking my home
*  Exhausted by the seemingly constant need for potting-up, hardening-off-schlepping, and watering
*  Got some sort of white patches on many of my tomato plant leaves.  I assume I was not gradual enough in my  introduction to the outdoor elements?
*  I keep dropping cash on additional pots, trays, and soil, thus reducing my "cost effectiveness" theory about growing seeedlings
*  Many of my seedlings are not particularly thriving

*  I'm just not into being a responsible wife and mother this week
*  My post-surgery healing is slow
*  I am absolutely exhausted
*  Laundry
*  Phone calls to make
*  Bills to pay
*  I am not eating healthfully
*  My surgery recovery is slowing my already-weak exercise routine

*  I spent many hours potting up my seedlings last night and they are looking a lot perkier today
*  It's almost time for the seedlings to MOVE OUT! so I can re-claim my office (I'm blogging from my sofa right now)
*  The sun is out
*  My husband is going to attend marriage counseling soon, he just doesn't know it yet
*  I don't pee everytime I sneeze or cough anymore
*  I have spent a lot of time with my girlfriends the past couple days and that makes me very, very happy
*  My two-legged seedlings.  Ahhhh yes, my children.


ChickDigtheDirt said...

your house looks like my house! they are taking over. can't wait for the weather to warm up here as well!

xo Cherie said...

Hey Chick in the Dirt! Love your website! I am now a follower :D Thanks for posting (and the comiseration!)